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Track TT Competition – Semester 2 2022-23

Location: CQ-507/CQ-508

Time: 15:00-18:00

Date: 1-Mar-2023

Link to live Track TT ranking

This competition is a robot track time trial (TT). You will build an autonomous (self-guiding) robot to drive from one end of a marked track to the other end in the shortest possible time. You will each build your own individual robot for this competition. Your robot should be ready to perform the task under the observation of a referee (probably your lab supervisor) during the lab session on Wednesday 1st March 2023.

Results will be ranked based on the time taken by each robot to complete the task (as measured by the referee), as well as compliance with the rules set out below. Robots that do not complete the challenge on 2-Mar-2022 will have a second opportunity to record a time the following week, but their results will be ranked below all robots that successfully complete the challenge in the first week of the competition.

Competitors are permitted (at the discretion of the referee) to attempt the task multiple times, whether to complete the task for the first time, or to improve upon a previously recorded attempt. Priority should be given to competitors who have not yet recorded a successful attempt.

Track TT track

The colour of the track will be decided by the referee. It will either be a light-coloured track on a dark background or vice versa.

At the beginning of a time trial attempt, the competitor places their robot over the start end of the stripe. Some part of the robot must be directly above the end of the track when the referee starts the clock.

Track TT start

The robot follows the track from the start to the finish end of the stripe, keeping some part of itself directly above the stripe at all times. Competitors are forbidden from touching or otherwise influencing the robot during the time trial – the robot must be complete the task autonomously.

Track TT midway

The clock stops as soon as any part of the robot is directly above the finish end of the stripe. The robot does not need to come to a halt.

Track TT finish

If the robot leaves the track at any point (i.e. no part of the robot is directly above the track), that attempt at the time trial is null and void.

Track TT robot off track

The Track

Robot specification

Non-compliant robots and late entries

Documenting your Track TT work in a WordPress blog post

Example TrackTT video

Summary of ranking criteria:

Ranking of results will be according to the following criteria, in order of decreasing precedence:

Referees and conduct of competitors