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 \____\___/ \___/|_|\_\_.__/ \___/ \___/|_|\_\

Connecting the TCRT5000 sensor to an analog input on the Arduino Nano

Useful links

Example circuit from today's lecture

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Example code from today's lecture

Version 1: Switch an LED on and off

// TCRT5000 example program
// This switches an LED on or off depending on whether the sensor
// voltage is greater than 2.5 V or not.
// Written by Ted Burke on 8-Feb-2023

void setup()
  // Configure pin D2 as a digital output
  pinMode(2, OUTPUT);

void loop()
  // Declare an integer variable to store a number (the sensor reading)
  int colour;

  // Read analog voltage from pin A0 as a number between 0 and 1023
  colour = analogRead(0);

  // Decide whether to switch the LED on or off based on the sensor voltage
  if (colour > 512)
    digitalWrite(2, HIGH); // LED on
    digitalWrite(2, LOW); // LED off

Version 2: Control an LED and print readings via serial connection

// TCRT5000 example program
// This version controls an LED and prints sensor readings via
// the serial connection to the PC, so that they can be displayed
// using the Serial Monitor or Serial Plotter in the Arduino IDE.
// Written by Ted Burke on 8-Feb-2023

void setup()
  // Open a serial connection to the PC at 9600 bits per second

  // Configure pin D2 as a digital output
  pinMode(2, OUTPUT);

void loop()
  // Declare an integer variable to store a number (the sensor reading)
  int colour;

  // Read analog voltage from pin A0 as a number between 0 and 1023
  colour = analogRead(0);

  // Print the sensor reading to the PC via the serial connection

  // Decide whether to switch the LED on or off based on the sensor voltage
  if (colour > 512)
    digitalWrite(2, HIGH); // LED on
    digitalWrite(2, LOW); // LED off