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RoboSumo Assessment Guide and Blog Guidelines

Assessment components

The RoboSumo project grade accounts for 50% of the Design Projects (DESI 1006) module grade. The RoboSumo grade comprises four equally weighted components:

Assessment Component Assessment Criteria Assessment Mechanism
Tournament ranking (25%) The robot’s ranking in the final RoboSumo tournament. A formula is applied to each robot’s tournament ranking. Usually, the same mark is awarded to all members of a team, but marks may be redistributed to reflect substantially different individual contributions.
Individual contribution to group process (25%) Contribution to team organisation, planning and decision making. Knowledge sharing – explaining concepts to (or learning from) other team members. Engagement in team discussions. In-class tutor observation. Analysis of submitted material.
Individual contribution to technical attainment (25%) Project management / teamwork. Quality of team decisions. Design and implementation of robot (software and hardware). Technical skills. Analysis of documentation. Inspection of robot. Tutor observation of process. Interview / quiz assessment.
Documentation submitted throughout project (25%) Individual contribution to the documentation produced by your group. Analysis of material presented on student’s individual blog.

Assessment of Documentation – Blog Guidelines

The documentation mark directly accounts for 25% of the RoboSumo project grade. However, evidence drawn from the documentation can contribute to other components of a student's grade (technical attainment, group process). Documentation is to be maintained on each student’s own individual blog. Each student must create their own WordPress blog (using the account provided for you on robosumo.eu).

Your blog should be used to document your work as you go along, rather than just at the end of the project. How often you publish new posts may vary over the course of the project, but as a general guideline, you should probably be adding one new post every couple of weeks on average.

The kind of things that produce highly graded RoboSumo blogs include:

Presentation / Tone:

When technical content is presented on a blog, the expectations are different from a formal report or a document that you would present to a client in a professional context. A good rule of thumb is to present the content in a way that would be appropriate when sharing technical information with colleagues within a professional engineering team.

Remember: Presentation always matters.

Please ensure your blog conforms to the following guidelines: