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|  _ < (_) | |_) | (_) |__) | |_| | | | | | | (_) |
|_| \_\___/|_.__/ \___/____/ \__,_|_| |_| |_|\___/ 
  ____            _    _                 _    
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| |__| (_) | (_) |   <| |_) | (_) | (_) |   < 
 \____\___/ \___/|_|\_\_.__/ \___/ \___/|_|\_\

Introducing the TCRT5000 reflective infrared sensor

The TCRT5000 is an infrared reflective sensor. It can be used as a proximity sensor (detecting when an object is close), a crude colour sensor (detecting a difference between dark and light colours), or many other applications. In RoboSumo, the main use of this sensor is to detect the colour of the ground underneath a robot, or the edge of a surface the robot is driving on.

The TCRT5000 is a 4-pin device. To find out which pin is which, download the datasheet:

Instructions to build a convenient TCRT5000 sensor module either on terminal block or printed circuit board (PCB) are available here:

This is the TCRT5000 sensor:

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This is a typical circuit for reading the output voltage of the TCRT5000 with an Arduino. Analog input pin A3 is used to measure the sensor voltage.

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// TRCT5000 sensor example
// Written by Ted Burke - last updated 4 Oct 2023

void setup()
  pinMode(4, OUTPUT);

  Serial.begin(9600); // open a serial link to PC at 9600 bits/s

void loop()
  int sensorVoltage; // phototransistor voltage

  sensorVoltage = analogRead(3); // read voltage from pin A3 as a number between 0 and 1023


  if (sensorVoltage > 512)
    digitalWrite(4, HIGH); // LED on    
    digitalWrite(4, LOW); // LED off

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