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|_| \_\___/|_.__/ \___/____/ \__,_|_| |_| |_|\___/ 
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 \____\___/ \___/|_|\_\_.__/ \___/ \___/|_|\_\

Introducing the HC-SR04 ultrasonic rangefinder

insert alt text here

insert alt text here

// HC-SR04 rangefinder example
// Written by Ted Burke - 8-Mar-2023

void setup()
  // LED output
  pinMode(2, OUTPUT); // red LED
  pinMode(3, OUTPUT); // green LED

  // Trigger and echo pins for rangefinder
  pinMode(8, OUTPUT); // trigger pin
  pinMode(9, INPUT);  // echo pin

  // Open serial connection to PC at 9600 bits/s

void loop()
  unsigned long Techo;
  double distance;

  // Send trigger pulse from Arduino to HC-SR04
  digitalWrite(8, HIGH);
  delayMicroseconds(20); // 20 us pulse
  digitalWrite(8, LOW);

  // Measure duration of the echo pulse in microseconds
  Techo = pulseIn(9, HIGH);

  // Calculate the distance
  distance = (340e-6 * Techo) / 2.0;

  // Print the distance

  // Short delay to allow any echoes to dissipate

This alternative version of the example program controls two LEDs based on the measured distance.

More importantly, it uses a separate function to perform the measurement process, which allows the loop function to take a measurement just by calling the getDistance function, as follows:

d = getDistance();

This is the full example:

// HC-SR04 rangefinder example
// Written by Ted Burke - 8-Mar-2023

void setup()
  // LED output
  pinMode(2, OUTPUT); // red LED
  pinMode(3, OUTPUT); // green LED

  // Trigger and echo pins for rangefinder
  pinMode(8, OUTPUT); // trigger pin
  pinMode(9, INPUT);  // echo pin

  // Open serial connection to PC at 9600 bits/s

void loop()
  double d;

  d = getDistance();


  if (d < 0.5)
    // Nearest object is closer than 0.5 metres 
    digitalWrite(2, LOW);  // red LED off
    digitalWrite(3, HIGH); // green LED on
    // Nearest object is farther than 0.5 metres 
    digitalWrite(2, HIGH); // red LED on
    digitalWrite(3, LOW);  // green LED off

// This function takes a measurement and returns the
// distance in metres as a double precision floating
// point value.
double getDistance()
  // Declare variables
  unsigned long Techo; // echo pulse duration in microseconds
  double distance;     // distance in metres

  // Short delay to allow any possible echoes from
  // previous ultrasonic pulses to dissipate

  // Send trigger pulse from Arduino to HC-SR04
  digitalWrite(8, HIGH);
  delayMicroseconds(20); // 20 us pulse
  digitalWrite(8, LOW);

  // Measure duration of the echo pulse (sent from HC-SR04
  // to Arduino) in microseconds
  Techo = pulseIn(9, HIGH);

  // Calculate the distance in metres
  // - 340x10^-6 is the speed of sound in metres per microsecond
  // - Techo is the duration of the echo pulse in microseconds
  distance = (340e-6 * Techo) / 2.0;

  // Return the calculated distance to the calling function (loop)
  return distance;