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Track TT Competition – Semester 2 2023-24

Live results

Live spreadsheet of Track TT results

Frequently Asked Questions


This competition is a robot track time trial (TT). You will build an autonomous (self-guiding) robot to complete one full lap of a raised looped track (the "standard track") in the shortest time possible. You will each build your own individual robot for this competition. Your robot should be ready to perform the task under the supervision of a referee (typically one of the RoboSumo lecturers) during the lab session on Wednesday 28-Feb-2024. Robots that successfully complete the standard track on 28-Feb-2024 will be eligible to attempt a lap of a second more difficult track (the "advanced track").

Results for the standard track will be ranked based on the time taken by each robot to complete the task (as measured by the referee), as well as compliance with the rules set out below. Robots that do not complete the standard track on 28-Feb-2024 may be offered an opportunity to record a result at a later time and date specified by the RoboSumo lab instructors, but those late results will be ranked below all robots that successfully complete the standard track in the first week of the competition.

Attempts on the advanced track are only permitted on 28-Feb-2024 (other than in very exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the referees). All successful attempts on the advanced track by fully compliant robots will rank above all results on the standard track.

Competitors are permitted (at the discretion of the referee) to attempt the task multiple times, whether to complete the task for the first time, or to improve upon a previously recorded attempt. However, priority will generally be given to competitors who have not yet recorded a successful attempt.

The RoboSumo Track TT standard track

Robot specification

Making an attempt

The Standard Track

The Advanced Track

Non-compliant robots and late entries

Documenting your Track TT work in a WordPress blog post

Summary of ranking criteria:

Ranking of results will be according to the following criteria, in order of decreasing precedence:

  1. Robots that complete the advanced track (only available on the main day of the competition) will rank above those that only complete the standard track. A robots is only eligible to attempt the advanced track once it has successfully recorded a fully compliant result on the basic track.
  2. Robots that complete the standard track in week 1 will be ranked above those that complete it at a later date, irrespective of the lap time.
  3. Robots that are fully compliant with the above robot specification during their ranked attempt will rank above robots that are non-compliant during their ranked attempt.
  4. For each track (standard and advanced), robots will be ranked according to the time taken to complete the task. Robots that complete it quicker will be ranked higher.

Referees and conduct of competitors