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Laser cutting and Inkscape - drawing and submitting your design


Requirements for submitting your designs

Guidance on using Inkscape

I've created a basic Inkscape cheat sheet that you might find useful:

I've also recorded the following video, which includes a complete worked example of drawing a design for laser cutting in Inkscape:

The steps shown in the video to set up an Inkscape document for laser cutting are summarised below:

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+D to open “Document Properties”.
  2. Set “Display units” to “mm”.
  3. Under “Page size”, in the “custom size” panel, set width to 600 mm and height to 300 mm.
  4. Close Document Properties.
  5. Press Ctrl+Shift+P to open Inkscape’s “Preferences” dialog.
  6. In the “Tools” section (which should be visible when the dialog opens) select “Geometric bounding box”.
  7. Close the Preferences dialog.

Useful files